Why We’re Different
Powerful Concentrates, Not Just Fruits & Vegetables
When it comes to purchasing products and services you, the consumer, are faced with many different choices. Clever marketing, insufficient data and misinformation can make decisions difficult. Unfortunately, when attempting to purchase superfoods or nutritional products, you face those very same obstacles. This brings us to a very important question…why are we different?
We live in a very competitive world and the consumer marketplace is absolutely no different. You may find companies offering similar superfoods and some may even cost less than ours. They will make every attempt to sell you their products. Claims like organic, kosher, raw, etc., sound good, but is the product actually safe? With no one really overseeing the nutritional marketplace, that’s a very important question to both ask and consider. Like anything else, you get what you pay for.
What sets us apart from the competition is quite simple….
Our premium superfoods aren’t just ground or dried up fruits and vegetables like others offer. We sell only powerful extracts and concentrates. Large amounts of raw materials are concentrated to make a higher potency product. Our extracts and concentrates are raw, GMO free, organic, kosher, vegan and gluten free. We also take the extra steps and expense with every batch to verify they are safe. Raw materials that do not meet our strict quality standards are rejected. Can our competitors stake these claims?
Every superfood lot is tested for all known sources of common contaminants. Each lot is subject to HPTLC, UV, GC, HPLC and/or USP and microbiological analysis during the various steps of the production process. Every product we offer has also been tested for yeast, mold, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, E. coli, heavy metals and much more. Never buy superfoods based on price, impulse or a fancy label. Always make sure the product has been extensively tested and deemed safe. Making an uninformed choice could actually cost you your health.